Monday, May 9, 2011

Decisions...decisions. Trust your self...

How do you come about a final decision when you just don't know what the right thing is?

You've done all the research. You've weighed one side against the other. You've double checked your data. You've even asked for opinions. Sometimes no matter how hard you examine something the correct answer still isn't clear.

If you've exercised due diligence and still are unsure I've found it's best to go with your gut. Intuition can guide you in the right direction if you give it a chance.

It could be that you subconsciously remember an overlooked detail. It could be that you have been in a similar situation before and are acting based on the results of the first experience. It may also be that you do know what the best course of action is but are hesitant to commit for fear of being wrong.

Give it a try, go with that "hunch" you've had. I'm not talking hocus pocus or psychic ability just learning to trust yourself.

You may know more than you think.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Not That There's Anything Wrong With That - Once Upon A Puzzle Ponders Summer


Summer is coming and the children will be off from school for a loooong time...not that there's anything wrong with that...

I'm going to veer off a little from our usual blog posts to offer suggestions, ask for help and vent. Consider yourself warned.

Now I love the "little buttercups" just as much as the next mom but the thought of the long expanse of summer makes me think of, well, let's just say it isn't pretty (and yes, I know it's barely May).

We are fortunate enough to have local, affordable programs that my younger two will be attending - a week here, a week there, etc. My older child... not so much.

That leaves a lot of "off" time in the equation. I am a firm believer in a little down time now and again, however, my question is: How do I keep any and all of them from becoming "Couch Jockeys"?
  • I have had success with Summer Bridge Activity workbooks. These are age appropriate worksheets that can help junior from forgetting what they learned the previous school year in a sticky, watermelon-clouded summer haze. We give the children a weekly assignment and they can decide when they want to complete it during that week. Aren’t we the progressive, diplomatic parents? Actually it saves us from being the bad-guys and makes them responsible for getting it done. (Hee-hee)
  • Craft supplies, craft supplies, craft supplies. Have I mentioned craft supplies? Clay, pipe cleaners, decorative paper and beads have saved my sanity more often than a gimlet and a foot rub (Okay, they're also a lot easier to get). Alone, in pairs or the whole group have been known to break out something from the craft closet and wile away an afternoon "creating". They use their imaginations, work on motor skills and they aren't saying "Mom? Mom?? Mom!!!" every eight seconds. Now that's "WINNING" (take THAT Mr. Sheen).
  • What do puzzles, board games and Just Dance 2 have in common? They are all fantastic group/solo children's activities. Puzzles are great for children myriad ways the least of which is strengthening developmental skills (don't tell the youngins’... it might spoil their fun...). My kids love to play board games both against their friends or by themselves. Okay, they don't exactly play by the rules when there is just a party of one involved but they use the game parts to create their own version of... something - it changes every time. Just Dance 2 is a new entry at our house. It's a video game in which the players jump around like lunatics, gyrating and sweating trying to replicate the dance movements on the screen. The kids are up and moving, learning to follow instructions and I would pay cash-money to watch them play because it is absolutely HILLARIOUS to witness!
  • Books, word puzzles and Sudoku. Now this isn't exactly anti-couch-potato fodder but they are great summer activities. Our children all register and participate in our local library's summer reading program. Heck, if they are willing to read a slew of books for a rubber snake and a tee shirt - Where do I sign?!? The kids spend countless hours on the porch swing, in the hammock or yes... on the dreaded couch, reading. Their brains are developing, their vocabularies are increasing and they aren't chasing each other with badminton rackets in the dining room. B I N G O!
I’m sure as the dreaded highly anticipated end of school approaches I will have added more activities to my summer-survival tool kit. 

Do you have any “Summer-Sanity-Saver” ideas to share? We’d love to hear from you. Unless you’d like to keep them all for yourself… not that there’s anything wrong with that…

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

At Once Upon a Puzzle we are obsessed with all things puzzle, jigsaw and otherwise.

We love learning all we can about puzzles and we thought we would share some of what we've found with you, our adoring fans... 

  • Jigsaw puzzles were known as “dissections” until approximately 1880.

  • The first puzzles for adults arrived around 1900. They were quite difficult since they did not include a picture on the box as a guide. It was possible for the puzzle to remain a mystery until the last piece was fitted into place!

  • The golden age of jigsaw puzzles may have been during the 1920s and 1930s and in 1933 there were 10 million puzzles sold per week! They were an affordable escape from difficult times that allowed one to feel a sense of accomplishment, which was especially important during those tough times.

  • In 1932 advertising puzzles were in vogue. They were offered free with many products including toothbrushes and flashlights. (Want to start a memorable marketing campaign with a custom puzzle??  Give us a ring!)

  • Jigsaw puzzles are a great low-tech way to unwind and relax. Puzzles are hobby that is not too expensive and can be done alone or in a group. 

  • When Springbok created the first high quality puzzles on cardboard in 1965, hundreds of people attempted Jackson Pollock's puzzle, Convergence that Springbok marketed as the world's most difficult jigsaw puzzle.

  • “There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle.” Deepak Chopra

  • "A good puzzle, it's a fair thing. Nobody is lying. It's very clear, and the problem depends just on you."  Erno Rubik

Have any interesting puzzle facts?  We’d love to hear from you. 
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Monday, April 25, 2011

Once Upon A Puzzle Opens a "Big-Ol-Bag" of Why

(Just for the record, I am NOT the "big-old-bag" in this discussion)
At Once Upon A Puzzle we do more than the ultra-fun job of creating puzzles.  We are a real business with real business concerns (okay, that was hard to type with a straight face).  I'm sure that other companies have similar ponderings:

Why do XXX sites keep following us on Twitter?  (Don't get me wrong... I love ALL our Twitter followers).
Why is it I have a huge selection of guns at the local big box store but only one "choice" for cupcake liners?
Why is the shipping company making it impossible to use their service?
Why are we getting site traffic like crazy but few sales?
Why was yesterday's webinar like listening to a Ron-co commercial?
Why has there been a strange odor in my car since our trip to Virginia?  (Thanks kids).
Why are there parades of ants crawling around my office?
Why won't certain vendors take the hint and that "No means no." (Do they know my kids?)?
Why am I always ONE DAY off on everyone's birthday?
Why is blogging becoming so difficult?  It's not like I have a lack of things to say.
Why will that one story not let itself out of my head and onto paper?
Why did I eat something for lunch that looked like astronaut food?
Why do I feel so... oh, right... the astronaut food.
At least I got one answered.

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You'll be glad you did...really.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Suniverse: A Stick Makes Stone Soup

The Suniverse: A Stick Makes Stone Soup

Way too funny. I thought I was alone in my "feh" ness about her. Obviously I'm in good/funny company. I would say she's someone "I'd love to hate" but hating requires some level of caring. I just avoid anything she does... much easier.

Let's just say "meh" and leave it at that.

Great post!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What Do Celebrities and Once Upon A Puzzle Have in Common?

What do celebrities and Once Upon A Puzzle have in common?  They were both "hangin'" in the gift lounge at the Nickelodeon 2011 Kids' Choice Awards.

We are fortunate enough to have a very talented in-house artist, Nikki Cutro.  Nikki is part of a group of artisans that work together and display their work at the gift lounges that are assembled for some of the major award shows.  The celebs kind enough to stop by for a photo and a chat are rewarded with wonderful gift bags containing items created by the participating artists.
Since it was the KIDS' Choice Awards, we thought it would be appropriate to participate in the gifting and the lounging, 'cause kids love puzzles!!

Lucas Grabeel of "Smallville" and "High School Musical" fame, stopped by and chose to be photographed holding our Pirate Map puzzle.  Hmmmm... can we personalize that for you Lucas???

Griffin Gluck, from "Just Go With It" with Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler, liked our puzzle too!

Later in the day Daniel Goddard from "The Young and the Restless" dropped by with his son, Ford.  Although you can't tell by the picture, Ford was having quite the time looking at all of the swanky items in the gift lounge.  Who wouldn't love a wall made of lollipops!?! (see in video clip of Lucas above).

We will follow this post with more stories, videos and info about Nikki's adventures.  It's always good for a laugh, oh... I mean serious business...

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Monday, April 4, 2011

We ARENT Cutting Prices - Once Upon A Puzzle Post

Companies are doing what they can to keep business flowing.  Cutting staff, cutting salaries and eliminating perks.  Some are even cutting prices on their products and services.  I don’t believe price reduction is the best course to take.

Is what you have to offer any less valuable today than it was before?  If you “devalue” your service now, will you ever be able to prove to your client base that … ”Well, we were really worth full price all the time but we decided to cut our prices for a while… but now we are back to what we SHOULD have been charging all along.”?

Unless you can justify a lower price, be it lower material costs, shipping costs or overhead, why would you charge a customer less?  To keep their business?  To remain above water? Most business I know will do “whatever it takes”, even if that includes price cutting. However, I would ask you to think before you do.  Would you rather have a few less customers today or a  lower valued product forever?

We'd love to hear what your thoughts are.  Drop us a line... leave us a comment... send us a carrier pigeon.  Put in your two cents...